Selecting Rope

When picking your starting rope, be aware that the initial investment can be pricey. Expect to spend €30-€60 on your first set of rope. It might make starting the hobby intimidating, but a lot of cheap rope can be difficult or even dangerous to use. We personally recommend either jute or hemp rope for beginners, and suggest avoiding cotton or polyester rope.

What to look for in your rope.

If you can physically touch & interact with the rope you're going to buy, look for these qualities in the rope you pick up.


Pressing down on the rope across its diameter will show you how much the rope "squishes". The squishier your rope is, the more likely it is to compact around a knot, making them more difficult to untie.


Pulling along the length of the rope will show you how much the rope "stretches". The stretchier your rope is, the more likely it is to loosen during a tie. It can be difficult to manage the tension of stretchy rope during a tie and make your ties look worse after you've finished them.


Rub your fingers against the rope. This will tell you how it will feel against skin when used for tying. Friction can leave rope burns if you're not careful, or make it harder to tie firm knots if the rope doesn't grip itself well.